To me a smart body is one who tells your brain when there is pain. Your body tells your brain that there is pain, which your brain takes and sends to you as 'ouch that hurts', which a smart person listens to and says I am in pain I need to seek medical attention.
Then there is my body. Hmm nothing going on here, keep on about your day with this broken bone, or this scalding burn happening.
Basically pain receptors are important. Please stop telling people with a low pain tolerance they are wimps, honestly their bodies are smart and know when to tell the person attached to them to let go of a hot object etc. My body is on constant vacation or something.
When I was a kid I broke my wrist. My high pain tolerance did tell me this hurts a bit. The tomboy tough kid in me told me to suck it up it's just a sprain. I played volleyball on that wrist, amongst many other things, for a week before my volleyball coach came to me and said "you are still babying that wrist when you serve maybe it's time to have it looked at". So I tell my Mum who takes me in and instantly feels like the worst child abuser ever because she let me go a week with a broken wrist without having it checked. Totally not my Mum's fault, I just have a high pain tolerance that paired with my stubborn side tells me I am fine and just ignore any signals my body sends and suck it up and act cool. OK side note I am really not cool, nor have I ever been. I mean come on I am a fair skinned freckle faced red head, in my school days that equaled kid to tease...not cool kid. As an adult my fair skin and red hair are envied so I'm good with it.
Stubborn me plus high pain tolerance me were working really well together one day when I had my lovely cast on my arm. I was making mac and cheese. Yep all by myself because I could. Now in all fairness you should know my Mum was home along with my best friend. Anyways I go to pour the boiling water through the strainer, again to be fair there were offers I believe from both to help me, my response "no I can do this myself"...I believe this may have been simultaneously done as the boiling water was being poured onto my cast, but to be fair to myself there may have been a few seconds in between.
Here is another thing to know about me I am obedient, the Dr told me not to get my cast wet I would do everything in my power to not get my cast wet. So of course the first thing in my mind is OM I just got my cast wet.
I did not feel pain. I felt pure panic. I got my cast wet.
So I am just standing there yelling MY CAST MY CAST. My smart mother wants to add more water to my cast, something about cooling burns, this is complete nonsense to me as my only thought is my cast is wet we must dry it. Now I have no recollection of who won that battle, I do have good scars to remind me of the burns through my cast. I do remember the smell of the blistering skin, and seeing some blisters peeking out from under the cast. Signs that maybe I won, but I do know my Mum was a stern and stubborn woman so I'm sure the outcome was in her favor.
Now I could be a smart person and I tell you I wizened with age, but who am I kidding most of you know me I have only widened with age. Last summer I took my pup and me on a walk, it was a beautiful sunny warm day. Smart people know sun= very hot asphalt, people of the NW don't know sun...we take what we can get. I hate shoes; this is a very important piece to this story. So I am walking barefoot on hot asphalt and blistering my feet, but my dumb body is telling me nothing. So I keep walking. Now I should mention my Pup loves walking like the curb is a high wire, but this day he was walking on everyones grass, so pup was pups were hurt in the making of this story. Well I get home and realize somethings off with my feet. I look down to see blisters forming. Thankfully wise Mum taught me to cool a burn, and as there is no cast on my feet so I am good to soak them.
So to me a smart body tells me when there is pain. Your body feels pain for a reason. I envy smart bodies that tell the brain when there is pain....pain= danger which tells you stop doing what you are doing stupid.
There's a bit more about me for those who didn't know. Telling you all how silly I can be is hard.
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