Thursday, August 1, 2013

What is RA anyways

I figured I should write a little bit about what RA is. Rheumatoid Arthritis is not your grandmothers arthritis. I know a lot of people hear Arthritis and think of old joints wearing out, that is osteoarthritis not Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease. Autoimmune diseases are the result of your body mistakenly attacking itself. Yep that's right my body is at war with itself. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) attacks your joints and organs, it is a chronic inflammatory disease and so far there is no cure. RA often looks different from one person to the next, so I will tell you some about My RA.
I have low grade fevers daily, debilitating fatigue, malaise (flu like symptoms) and pain. I have to say the hardest part of RA for me is the fevers and fatigue. I have a high pain tolerance  (I went through childbirth twice naturally and yes I meant to). I can push through the pain and get things done, heck I can even go out and have fun through the pain. The fevers and fatigue kick my butt every time though. I just feel like I am trying to do everything while walking through quick sand. Think of how you feel when you have the flu, can't really get much done right, but my flu never goes away. My RA doesn't respond well to the medications that are out there, and if one does work it usually becomes less and less effective until it just stops working all-together.
The medications for RA are chemotherapies, medications that kill your immune system in hopes that your immune system stops attacking you. Since my diagnosis in 2008 I have been through 8 medications, granted one of those I was allergic to, but still 8 medications in 5 years I really need to slow down one day there will be no more for me to switch to. Right now I am waiting for my latest medication to start working, so things have not been going well for me. I am fevered, fatigued and basically feel like every bone in my body has been broken, I haven't been able to do much of anything. I have my next infusion next week and I am really hoping to start seeing some improvement, anything at this point would be wonderful.
There is a bit on RA hopefully you learned something. Short and sweet for now, because trust me there is so much more to all of this, but for now the pain in my fingers is telling me to stop typing and for once I'm going to listen. Trust me there will be more...


  1. Can't wait to see what this blog has in store. 8 drugs in 5 years, I have to say you even have me beat on that. The only ones I haven't been on yet are Cimzia, Simponi Aria and Actemra...

    I hope by the time I need a new med there are more options!

    1. Mel the 8 is counting both biologics and DMARDs. Yes we need more options! Here's hoping for both of us :)

  2. This actually quite interests me: I never knew there was an existence of such an illness.

    Let me get this right... So you're saying the medicine you have to take for your RA are chemotherapies, medications that kill your immune system in hopes that your immune system will, in hope, stop attacking you—yes?
    ♦You also added that you have to keep changing your medicine.
    So basically, your immune system defective(making themselves their very own enemy)—but still capable to attack and fight off outside environmental germs (becoming immune to the "Very" medicine that is supposed to help you.)
    ♦I also came into thought about something else.

    ♣So basically you're saying your medicine, before your body becomes immune to that medication in particular, is stopping your immune system. Wouldn't this now allow your body to be defenseless against outside invaders(so in theory, in the stead of your own immune germs are attacking you?)

    ♠Which is worse? The RA or the germs that probably allow you to get sick a lot easier which ALSO probably gives you headaches and/or other sickness.

    P.S. Sooo sorry my comment is so long. I'm curious.
    P.S.S. Say hi to Kierra for me.

  3. Will,
    I am glad Kierra raised some awareness. This is a pretty common disease that somehow slips through the cracks of awareness, so many people don't know about it. This disease affects children too, which is heartbreaking. Yes the hope is by taking chemos we stop the RA or primarily our immune system from attacking us. It all seems backwards I know but it really is better to take the meds because RA can be deadly I have lost many friends to this nasty disease. Our bodies are amazing things and when given time it will readjust itself to protect itself, which is why we often need to switch up our medications. Many people find this true with different medications for instant allergy medicines Dr's will recommend changing brands every few years so the body does not build up against them. The chemos do lower our defense against outside invaders, but with small steps you can make big measures to protect yourself, like hand washing, I wipe down a shopping cart with sanitizer before using them or just bring in bags and avoid the carts all together, and other things to help. Thank you for the questions I love curiosity I hope I answered them effectively. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
