Saturday, August 31, 2013

I'm lucky

Today is my 18th anniversary. At the age of 20 I met this amazing man, he made me feel beautiful, he made me realize what my potential was and helped me achieve it. My husband and I met through a mutual friend, and it was instantaneous love at first sight. It didn't take us long to realize we were made for each other so we married very quickly, because when you meet your soul mate you don't want to waist another second apart.

Many didn't think we could do it or thought we wouldn't last. It is nice to be here 18 years later and prove them all wrong. It still amazes me how much stronger our feelings have grown and how much closer we have grown together. I was young when we wed he was a bit older and I feel that we did a lot of growing together, both as individuals and as a couple. Our journey has been amazing. 

Now that my Rheumatoid Arthritis is active and rapidly progressing my husband has had to help me out a lot. We are living the in sickness part of our vows and he is proving all over again how lucky I am.  
He has done a lot of basic things like cooking more, having the girls help with that and cleaning. He put lever handles on all our doors (I highly recommend anyone with RA to do this). He has bought techie toys like iPad and iPhone to make things easier on my hands. He worked with the insurance to get me a manual and a snazzy electric wheelchair. The list goes on and on and I will try to make a blog about some easy assistive devices another day. 

I want to take a moment to publicly thank him here on my blog and to tell him thank you for loving me. I hope everyone has a great day...I know I will :)

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